How are different currencies handled when buying stocks on HKEX, SGX, and US exchanges via our platform?
Our platform prioritises the use of local currency balances for stock transactions on the HKEX, SGX, and US exchanges. Below are the specific currency handling scenarios for each exchange:
Buying US stocks:
Primary: Use the USD balance if available.
Secondary: If USD is insufficient, check and convert SGD to USD.
Tertiary: If both USD and SGD are insufficient, convert HKD to USD.
Buying HKEX stocks:
Primary: Use the HKD balance if available.
Secondary: If HKD is insufficient, check and convert SGD to HKD.
Tertiary: If both HKD and SGD are insufficient, convert USD to HKD.
Buying SGX stocks:
Primary: Use the SGD balance if available.
Secondary: If SGD is insufficient, check and convert USD to SGD.
Tertiary: If both SGD and USD are insufficient, convert HKD to SGD.
What happens if the primary currency balance is not sufficient for a transaction?
If the primary currency balance (HKD for HKED stocks, SGD for SGX stocks, or USD for US stocks) is insufficient, our platform will automatically check and convert from the next available currency balance in the order of preference outlined above.
Can I directly convert my currency balances on the platform?
Yes, our platform allows for direct currency conversions between USD, SGD, and HKD, enabling you to manage your balances according to your investment needs and currency preferences.