We will handle all complaints in the following manner:
- We will acknowledge your complaint as soon as possible but no later than 2 business days from the date of receipt of the complaint. Any complaints made through a phone call will be acknowledged in writing. A complaint received on any day other than a business day, or after the close of business on a business day, may be treated as having been received on the next business day.
- The Client Success Team is the unit within Syfe that handles and resolves complaints. The Client Success agent who received the complaint will evaluate the severity of the complaint based on internal guidelines and may reach out to you for more information. Depending on the severity of complaint, the review process may involve other members including the Head of Client Success and/or the Legal and Compliance team.
- We will strive to provide a final written response to you within 20 business days from the date of receipt of the complaint. If we require more time, we will keep you informed on the status of the handling of the complaint, including the reason for the delay and an indicative timeframe in which you can expect our final written response.
You can approach the Financial Industry Disputes Resolution Centre for any further assistance.