Core and Select portfolios
You will receive dividends from your equity and bond ETFs held within Core and Select portfolios. While not all companies pay dividends, you almost always receive some because your money is invested across thousands of companies in the world via the underlying ETFs these portfolios invest in.
Dividends received in your Core and Select portfolios are automatically reinvested for you. Whenever dividends get credited to your portfolio, they are first accumulated in the small cash balance we maintain for your portfolio. When accumulated dividends (along with any new cash inflows) reach an economically viable investment level, our cash management algorithm will trigger the purchase of additional units in your relevant holdings. This will be reflected under your portfolio 'Transactions' section as a purchase and you will see additional units in your portfolio holdings.
REIT+ portfolios
You will also receive dividends from the REITs held in your REIT+ portfolio. Dividends are automatically reinvested by default, but clients who maintains an invested amount or portfolio's current value (net asset value) of at least S$5,000 have the added option to receive their dividends as quarterly payouts to their designated bank account.
Learn more about how your REIT+ portfolio dividends are handled here.
Income+ Portfolios
You will generally receive monthly dividends from the funds held in your Income+ portfolio. If you have invested at least S$5,000, you can have the dividends paid out to your bank account at the beginning of every month (for the previous month’s dividends).
The payout option becomes available when the total investment amount or the current portfolio value is at least S$5,000. When the portfolio fails this criteria, the dividends are automatically reinvested instead.