Syfe Core and Syfe Select portfolios are ETF-based portfolios. For US-listed ETFs, such as the equity-based ones, there is a 30% withholding tax on dividends. This would be applicable even for Singapore-based investors who buy these ETFs on their own.
The withholding tax on certain ETFs, such as bond ETFs, can be claimed back. No action is required on your end as our broker will automatically claim this amount for you. Your account will then be credited accordingly.
Some of the ETFs, such as the gold ETF, do not pay dividends and so do not incur any withholding tax.
For Syfe Income+ portfolios, the constituent funds are domiciled in Ireland making them more efficient with respect to dividend withholding taxes. Compared to US domiciled ETFs, using Irish-domiciled funds can help Singapore-based investors save as much as 30% of dividend withholding taxes.