The value you see in your portfolio differs due to the currency conversion from SGD to USD. This is because your funds are converted at a specific forex rate based on the time your fund transfer is processed.
However, the value of cash shown in your dashboard is based on the latest FX rate logged in our system (typically the FX rate based on the market closing price), which may be different compared to the FX rate which your cash got converted at.
Here's an example to illustrate. Let's say SGD 500 got converted to USD 385 based on this rate (1 USD = 1.3 SGD).
However, the FX rate we display is based on the market close rate of 1 USD = 1.25 SGD. This means that the USD 385 will be reflected on your dashboard as SGD 481.
You can see the current exchange rate reflected on your dashboard. This gets updated each business day along with your portfolio value using market closing prices of the previous trading day.
Please be assured that we received your full transfer of $100 and converted all $100 to USD. Furthermore, you will never be charged any fees before your funds are invested.