Cash+ Flexi is a cash management discretionary portfolio that serves as an alternative to keeping cash in fixed deposits and savings accounts. It has two versions, Cash+ Flexi SGD and Cash+ Flexi USD, that aim to deliver projected returns between 3.7% p.a. to 5.4% p.a., net of all fund expenses.
When you invest in Cash+ Flexi portfolios, Syfe diversifies your funds in a curated list of money market funds that aim to achieve stable, steady returns in line with Singapore and US money market rates. View the portfolio compositions here.
Cash+ Flexi has no lock-up period or maximum investment limit. Syfe charges a management fee of 0.1% per annum on Cash+ Flexi SGD (as of 1 July 2023) and 0.2% on Cash+ Flexi USD (as of 1 November 2023), subject to prevailing GST, where applicable from 1 June 2023, based on the higher of assets under management or invested amount . Syfe does not charge any fees for transferring or withdrawing funds and there is also no fall-below fees. Cash+ Flexi USD has a minimum investment amount of US$10,000 or SGD equivalent.
Kindly note that as Cash+ Flexi is invested in very low-risk money market and bond funds, it is not capital guaranteed.
How do I receive the returns from my Cash+ Flexi portfolio?
Once your funds have been invested into the Cash+ Flexi portfolio, we will update your portfolio value according to the most recent market prices of the underlying securities. Learn more about our portfolio update timing here.
As such, any returns earned will be automatically reflected in your Cash+ Flexi portfolio value.
When you place a withdrawal request, you can choose to withdraw the total amount held in your Cash+ Flexi portfolio, including all returns earned. Kindly note that once a withdrawal request is submitted, we will sell off your assets within 1-2 working days at their prevailing market prices at the point of selling.
Should you opt to stay invested, you can let your returns compound to grow your cash more quickly.