Select Themes is a way to apply thematic investing to your portfolio. Many investors want their portfolios to reflect their values and investment preferences. With thematic portfolios, you can do just that.
Select Themes offers five different portfolio themes: ESG & Clean Energy, Disruptive Technology, Healthcare Innovation, China Growth, and Global Income. Each thematic portfolio enables you to invest in a carefully curated set of ETFs aligned to a specific theme.
The Select ESG & Clean Energy, Disruptive Technology, Healthcare Innovation, and China Growth thematic portfolios focus on megatrends that are poised to capitalise on long-term structural shifts such as disruptive technologies, sustainability, changing demographics, and China’s evolving economy. Meanwhile, the Global Income thematic portfolio is designed to offer income opportunities across investment-grade and high-yield bonds. Learn more here.
How are the investments within each thematic portfolio selected?
Our starting universe of possible investments comprise over 100 carefully selected ETFs that are low-cost, highly liquid and track their benchmarks closely.
Each ETF is then classified into broad themes and given a risk score between 1 to 5 based on its underlying asset class, geography and sector exposures.
ETFs that best represent our theme and offer the best potential for risk-adjusted returns are then selected for possible inclusion to each Select Theme portfolios.
Click here to learn more about our thematic portfolio strategy.