When you transfer funds to your Brokerage account, the funds are typically reflected within one business day.
There are several reasons why this process might take longer, as illustrated below.
1) Your onboarding is still in progress
As shown above, you can check your onboarding status from the Brokerage homepage on your app. If details are pending or incomplete, you will not see your funds reflected in your account. Please follow the instructions onscreen to complete your onboarding journey.
2) You have completed the onboarding steps, but your KYC has not been approved
If your KYC is pending approval, you will see the notification above on your Brokerage homepage. Your funds will be reflected once your KYC is approved.
If you have completed your onboarding journey and don't have any KYC outstanding, please reach out to us at support.sg@syfe.com for assistance should your funds still not be reflected in one business day.