You can now park your funds in your Cash+ Flexi portfolio and earn higher projected returns than traditional savings accounts before transferring them to your other Syfe portfolios. The recurring transfer feature on Cash+ Flexi helps you to automate monthly transfers to your chosen portfolios.
Simply log in and set up a recurring transfer on your dashboard to transfer funds from your Cash+ Flexi portfolio to your desired Syfe investment portfolio every month. Learn how to set up a recurring transfer from Cash+ portfolio here.
Once created, you can pause, skip, or cancel recurring transfers at any time. You can also edit details such as the transfer amount and date of transfer from your dashboard as well. Simply follow the instructions on this article to edit your recurring transfers.
On your chosen transfer date every month, we will automatically trigger an internal transfer request from your Cash+ Flexi portfolio to your chosen portfolio(s). Please note that the transfer will take 2-4 business days, excluding weekends and public holidays, to be completed.