Watchlist & Market News
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Watchlist & Market News
A watchlist helps you to group your favourite stocks together so that you can refer to their performance at one go. Simply click on the 'heart' button beside the security name to add it to your watchlist.
Can I create multiple watchlists?
Yes, you may create multiple watchlists. To create a new watchlist, tap on the 'Watchlist' tab > click on the '+' icon at the top right corner. You may add up to a maximum of 5 watchlists.
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Adding or removing securities to/from your watchlist
To add a new security into your watchlist, simply click on the security and tap the 'heart' button next to the security name. Alternatively, you may click on 'Add security' on the 'Watchlist' tab.
If you wish to remove a security from your watchlist, simply click on the security and tap the 'heart' button next to the security name again to unselect it.
Renaming your watchlist
To rename your watchlist, click on the 'Watchlist' tab in the app > tap and hold on the watchlist name you wish to change > rename your watchlist and press 'Done'.
Deleting your watchlist
Similar to renaming your watchlist, you can delete your watchlist by clicking on the 'Watchlist' tab in the app. From there, tap and hold on the watchlist name you wish to delete > click on 'Delete watchlist'.
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Syfe helps you track news related to your favourite stocks, market movements and expert comments in a single app. We ensure that the news headlines that you see are catered to your needs and interests.
If you are interested to receive news related to any particular security, simply add it to your watchlist. That's how we know you are interested in that security - we will then filter and show you news relevant to this security under 'Latest news' in the Syfe Brokerage app.
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