Syfe has 3 key main offerings Managed Portfolios, Cash Management, and Brokerage
For Brokerage accounts, Syfe charges a commission fee at the time we receive each order.
US market: All new clients, for the first 3 months, enjoy an introductory offer of unlimited free trades every month to trade US-listed securities. After the introductory period ends, we'll offer at least 2 free trades every month and at most US$1.49 per trade thereafter. These charges vary depending on the client's tier, learn more here.
SG market: we charge a commission fee between 0.04% to 0.06% of traded value (minimum S$1.98) for all trades on SG-listed securities, depending on the client's tier. Do note that free trades do not apply to SG-listed securities. More details on Brokerage pricing can be found here.
Please note that GST applies to commission fees for the US market (outside of the free trade allowance) and all fees applicable to the SG market.
Managed Portfolios & Cash Management
For Managed portfolios, our fees range from 0.25% to 0.65% p.a. based on the higher of your total net worth or invested amount. Learn more on how Managed portfolios management fees are determined and calculated here.
For Cash Management, our fees range from 0.05% to 0.2% p.a. based on the same tiering system, for Cash+ Flexi products. There's no management fees for Cash+ Guaranteed.
Our portfolios management fee covers everything from portfolio monitoring to automatic rebalancing. You are not charged any additional brokerage or platform fees.
Syfe has been a GST-registered entity since March 2022, and to-date, we have been absorbing the GST applicable to the services we provide to you. From 1 June 2023, Syfe began charging GST on our management fees for both Managed Portfolios and Cash Management portfolios.